What to Consider
When considering or selecting heat emitters for any heritage building restoration or conservation such as ecclesial, period, or protected buildings there are several key considerations such as:
The relative importance of conservation of the building
Contents and occupant comfort
Historic fabric and materials not being harmed
Activity within the space and comfort levels expected
Hours and areas of most (common) use
Affordability (to install, maintain and operate)
Thermal performance of the building fabric including airtightness
Volume/scale of the spaces being heated
Efficiency and mode of heating distribution to the building
The efficiency of the heating energy source
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Heating control including management by the occupants/caretakers
Restoration/Conservation of style and design

Historic buildings are sensitive to changes in environmental conditions. This is particularly true in those that contain organic materials in their construction or contents such as furniture, pictures, timber panelling and leather components such as those found in church organs.
The most important environmental parameter in a historic building is relative humidity (RH). When RH is too low, cracks can form in organic materials. When RH is too high there is an increased risk of mould growth, dry rot, and insect infestation.
When considering the conservation and restoration of heritage buildings, at Clyde we appreciate that no two buildings are alike, and therefore each building and specification will require mixed and varied solutions based on the above selections criteria.
Radiators are still considered a viable option in the conservation and restoration of historic buildings with various solutions available depending on the needs of the specification.
Cast Iron Radiators
Where aesthetics and sympathetic restoration play a primary factor in the conservation or restoration of a historic building, Cast Iron (when compared to other solutions) is often the heat emitter of choice.
For period renovations cast iron radiators are certainly the better choice to compliment the fabric and age of such buildings and provide sufficient output to heat these spaces accordingly.
The Benefits of Cast Iron Radiators
Cast Iron as a material is an excellent conductor of heat and convection
Although cast iron takes longer to heat up conversely it retains the heat longer than other material types improving heat distribution
Where space is tight, cast iron radiators take up less wall space and deliver more heat output for the same space than their modern-day counterparts
Cast iron radiators offer an array of styles, designs, and finishes to match the design and fabric of any historic building i.e. Edwardian, Victorian, Regency or Art Deco
As a sectional product, cast iron radiators provide flexible and custom sizing options
Cast iron radiators are made from a mix of recycled materials
Cast iron is a durable and high-quality material with an extensive guarantee period in comparison to its modern-day counterparts
Not just functional, cast iron radiators become an integral feature and design item within any period building

Low Surface Temperature Radiators (LST)
Alternatively, our range of Clyde Low Surface Temperature (LST) Convectors are a considered option for historic buildings with high traffic volumes and specifically our Clyde Centurion and Sentry LSTs meet many of the design considerations for specifiers and contractors for the following reasons:

Low Surface Temperature protects those who might be vulnerable
Rounded Corners and Edges reducing the risk of injury
Flexible Connection and TRV Options
Tamper Proof Controls
Pencil-Proof Grilles
Bespoke Design and Size Options
Ease of Installation
Low Water Content, potentially reduced running costs
Thermal Performance - Tested and Accredited to BS-EN442 at BSRIA
Ease of Cleaning
For installers or contractors, the Clyde range of LSTs can be supplied to suit the build schedule with phased deliveries to allow first fix installation of the convector and a fast second fix of the single-piece casing, which means less time needed on site.
Where space is a premium Clyde’s Trench Heating solution is a worthwhile consideration, much like the LST, Trench Heating contains an aluminium convector and supports much of the LST properties such convection, safety and security, tamper proof control and low water content however Trench heating can be concealed or positioned within the floor (where appropriate), and finished with a range of decorative grilles to act as the primary heat source.
Steel Panel Radiators
Our range of Clyde Panel Radiators can also be considered heat emitter of choice for certain historic buildings, our Flat and Linear Panel Radiators provide.
Vast and versatile range of sizes and options
Small volumes of warm water to operate efficiently
Work effectively with a variety of heat sources
Immediate thermal performance
Convectors and Radiator Types to support thermal and space efficiency
Flexible connection options to support varying pipework connections
Supporting Thermostatic Valves (TRV’s) for ease of control and comfort
Efficient and cost-effective installation
A range of colour and finish options to blend into the fabric of the building

To find out more about Clyde’s range of Cast Iron, LST’s and Steel Panel Radiators contact us on
01342 305550 or via email or why not click on one of the product options below